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 Woodworkers Shop maintains the largest inventory of kiln dried lumber in downstate Illinois.  Our inventory includes domestic and exotic woods in a variety of widths and thicknesses, including turning and carving stock.  



 Woodworkers Shop maintains the largest inventory of kiln dried lumber in downstate Illinois.  Our inventory includes domestic and exotic woods in a variety of widths and thicknesses, including turning and carving stock.  

We sell domestic lumber as S2S (surfaced 2 sides) which has been straight-line ripped (meaning one edge is already straightened) making it easier for you to work with.  This lumber is random width and length in thicknesses from 3/4 -8/4 and sold by the board foot. See chart 👇🏼 for actual thickness of X/4 lumber. 

Lumber Thickness Chart

Board footage is calculated by (width in inches + .5”) X length in inches X thickness.  Divide this by 144 to get board footage. We add 1/2" to account for materials lost in "straight lining"

Thickness:  3/4 & 4/4=1 5/4=1.25  6/4=1.5 8/4=2 

Example using a 5/4 board 9 “ wide X 72” long:

9+.5 X 72=684 684 X 1.25=855  855÷144=5.94 board feet = "6 board feet"

We also sell S4S lumber (surfaced 4 sides). Also known as dimensional lumber.  This lumber is sold as 1 X material in random lengths.  Both edges have been straight-lined to give a standard width on the length of the board.  See chart below for actual board width of 1 X lumber.

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