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Kreg Tool was born of necessity…

Kreg Tool Company is the leader in pocket-hole technology.  In 1986 Craig Sommerfield set out to solve a woodworking problem of his own-how to attach his face frames to his cabinet boxes without nailing.  A tool and die maker by trade, Craig made his own pocket-hole jig and the “Craig Jig”/Kreg Jig was the result.  

Multiple incarnations of the original jig have followed, but pocket hole joinery is not the only thing Kreg is known for now.  They are also the producers of precision woodworking accessories for sawing, routing, and other operations.  

Visit Woodworkers Shop in Pekin and see our full line of Kreg products.

The Kreg Mobile Project Center

Make any place your workspace. Work on projects wherever, whenever, and however you need to! 

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